Arabic Name : Hindabaa', Sharqeen
English Name : Chicory, Endive, Succory, Blue Sailors, Blue Daisy, Coffee Weed
Hindi Name : Kasni
Latin name : Cichorium intybus Linn.
Persian Name : Kasni, Kasnaj, Tukhme Kasni (Seeds), Berge Kasni (Leaves) Bekhe Kasni (Root)
Punjabi Name : Hand, Suchal
Sanskrit Name : Kasani
Urdu Name : Kasni
Tukhm e Kasni:
Chicory Seeds or Tukhm e Kasni, scientifically known as Cichorium endivia is a herbaceous herb that belongs to the Asteraceae family possess a pleasant taste that has a lot of health benefits and nutritional value cultivated in Asian, European and North African regions. The use of chicory seeds benefits traditional medicines is significant as this herb has the ability to cure numerous ailments and disorders while work as a laxative and diuretic agent.
The main components including sesquiterpene lactones, fats, zinc, minerals, latex insulin, and vitamins provide a lot of benefits to human health while the other notable chemical compounds are alpha amyrin, baurenyl acetate, Xanthomonas oryzae, beta-sitosterol, and taraxerone. The Tukhm e Kasni effects of endive promote proper digestion and improve liver functionality.
Essential minerals, phosphorus, carbohydrates, magnesium, and copper, are also prominent elements in the endive while also a good source of vitamin B1, B2, B6, and folic acid which improve the eye vision remarkably. Thie chicory seeds benefit herb are extremely beneficial for diabetic patients because of the fewer carbohydrates and good fiber content; however, the rich quantity of antioxidants works against radical damage.
The chicory seed’s benefits get immense strength from niacin, thiamin, and pantothenic acid while increasing the appetite. Many neurological disorders can be prevented with the usage of endive, and the rich vitamin substance gives strength to immunity.
It is a prolific plant that thrives in places where nothing else will grow. Galen, the second-century physician-herbalist, called chicory a �friend of the liver. The seeds, leaves and root have cardiac, carminative, cordial, depurative, digestive, hypoglycemic, laxative and tonic properties and are useful as a brain tonic and for headache, asthma and bilious vomiting. It is an acclaimed hepatoprotective and, is used in hepatic enlargement, sluggishness, jaundice, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain. Cleanses the urinary tract. It can lower pulse rate and reduce cholesterol levels. It has cholagogue and antiinflammatory properties and is useful in rheumatic condition and gout. Checks bilious enlargements of the spleen with general oedema. It contains 45-60% inulin, a phytochemical that bucks up the immune system and also which can lower levels of blood cholesterol. It increases basal metabolism, which must be the reason why it is a favourite drink amongst students and hard workers. It acts on the central nervous system and heavy doses can generate giddiness and sleep. It is proven to be an instant energiser, which is why it is recommended in the convalescence stage i.e. the period of recovery after the termination of a disease or an operation.
Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may find that regular use of chicory root as a bitter and a liver tonic may assist in maintaining hormone balance and lessening the symptoms of PMS. Chicory also supports the body ability to absorb calcium, a nutrient that helps build and maintain strong teeth and bones. The inulin encourages the growth of bacteria needed for the intestines to work properly. Chicory, therefore, can help to prevent and treat problems such as sluggish digestion, gastric ulcers and flatulence.
Recommended Dosage: Seeds, Leaves and Root : 7 g powder.
Contraindication: This herb is contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation.
- Manage cholesterol level in the body
- Effective for weight loss
- Prevent digestive disorders
- Promote good vision
- Improve brain functionality
- Prevent cancer and ulcers
- Treat anemia and asthma
- Generate white and red blood cells
- Work against osteoporosis
- Cure constipation
- Make the teeth and hair strong